RSVP of Ingham, Eaton, & Clinton Counties

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September Birthday time....we want to wish the following volunteers a Happy Birthday!

Michael Munger, John Phillipich, Magelone Bollen,

Ava Fobbs, Jill Ballou, Lawrence Counseller, Lynne Sweet, Valerie Simpson, Patricia Marsh, Linda Nichols,

Rosemary Pasch, Richard Schaefer, Susan McPhail,

Maria Champagne, Maureen Dykstra Tom Corwin,

Paul Kilmer, Nancy Kay Scott, Janice Meyers,

Susan Slowinski, Mary Golbeck, Jane Waun, Murl Tanner, Rachel Carlson, Karolyn Bartell, Gwen Rita Couseller, Donald Olson, David Wayne Caszatt, Gina Klco,

Tracy Zimmerman